Bioodegradable Cornstarchy Congesfiunt per biodegradable plastic. Compostable plastics sunt nova generatione de plastics quae sunt biodegradable et compostable.
They are derived generally from renewable raw materials like starch (eg corn, potato, tapioca etc), cellulose, soy protein, lactic acid etc., are not hazardous/toxic in production and decompose back into carbon dioxide, water, biomass etc. when composted. Quidam Compostable plastics non sit ex renovatione materiae, sed pro loco ex PETROLEUM aut facta per Bacteria per processus microbial fermentationem.
Currently, illic es a numerus of diversis compostable plastics resins available in foro et numerus est crescente quotidie. Et maxime communiter usus rudis materia pro compostable plastics est frumentum amulum, quae convertitur in polymer cum similibus proprietatibus normalis plastic products.
Cornstarch glacies crepito calicem
Item Size: ф72 * 50mm
Pondus 11G
Packing: 500pcs
Carton Size: 49x38.5x28cm
MOQ: 50,000pcs
Shipment: Exw, FOB, CFR, CIF
Duc Tempus: XXX dies aut agit
Application: Restaurant, Parties, Nuptialis, BBQ, Home, Bar, etc.
I) Material: C% biodegradable cornstarch
II) customized color & printing
III) Proin et Freezer tutum